Jamal Al Amri Advocates and Legal Consultants

Practical & results-oriented

We are a combination of in-country value and international expertise. Our senior lawyers have more than 35 years of experience in the legal profession. Our clients go out of their way to tell us that we add value. We are confident that you will too.

In-country value
International expertise
When you choose JA Legal, you will know that you are working with the right law firm. That’s a very strong statement. But it’s one we are quite confident in making. How can we be so certain you will agree? The answer is simple, our clients constantly tell us that we "add value."
Meet the team
Our Experience


Represents a combination of in-house counsel and private practice.


Includes an intimate understanding of the workings of both civil law and common law legal traditions.


Ties together Oman in-country value with cross-border/international expertise.


Recognizes and leverages dynamic new technologies.


Provides our clients a path to the greater GCC, stepping stones to Africa, and a bridge to the world at large.


Ties together Oman in-country value with cross-border/international expertise.